Although disappointed about not hearing Piper, we were blessed last night with the wonderful exposition of C.J. Mahaney. If you want a more thorough presentation of his sermon, check out Tim Challies's post on the session. In fact, he is live blogging the whole conference at his website.
Here is a summary of my sermon notes. It was one of the best sermons I have ever heard.
Isaiah 66:1-2 was his text. He made two points during his exposition of the passage:
- The Perils of Pride (66:1).
- Pride was the first sin, and is the source of all sin.
- God hates pride (Prov. 16:5)
- "Pride has many forms but only one end--self glorification."
- It is not a question of if pride exists only where it is hiding.
- The Promise of Humility (66:2)
- Humility captures the attention of God: "the one to whom I will look..."
- Humility is divinely attractive.
- Study the Attributes of God.
- Survey the Cross of Christ.
- Study the Doctrines of Grace.
- Study the Doctrine of Sin.
- Learn about your depravity.
- Apply the Doctrine of Sin.
- Confess specific areas of your depravity.
- Invite and Pursue Correction.
- He especially encouraged us to pursue correction from our wives who know us best and love us most.
- Seize the humbling potential of the preaching task.
- Use unflattering illustrations of yourself.
- Recognize your theological limitations.
- Prepare to be replaced.
- Recognize your relative unimportance.
- Play golf often
- He views this as a definite means of humility =).
- As soon as you wake, acknowledge your dependence on God.
- Incorporate in your devotions specific times of thankfulness.
- "Thankfulness is not a soil in which pride easily grows." --John Stott
- Practice the spiritual disciplines (prayer, study and worship) as a means of admitting dependence on God.
- Seize your commute as a time for meditation and Scripture memory.
- Cast your cares on the God who cares for you.
- Trying to solve our problems on our own is an exercise in self-dependence and pride.
- At the end of the day, transfer all glory for what you have accomplished to God.
- Before falling asleep, acknowledge your insufficiency that is manifested in your need for sleep. Thank God for the gift of sleep.
Grace to you,
definitely alright.
i picked up the book while i was out there. it is tops on my list to read.
ok, so the piper blog re: daddy's death is a tear jerker. you are right though, God definitely is gracious. thanks for sharing...
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